

Today we are making a typical Slovenian dish. Jota is a warm thick soup. It is a typical dish of the western Slovenia. The name comes from the Friulian word »jota«, which comes from the Gaelic word for soup – »iutta«.

The basic ingredients are beans, potatoes, sauerkraut, dried pork meat, and spices (garlic, bay leaf, salt, and pepper). A proper jota must be thick. We achieve this by cooking beans and potatoes a long time until they start falling apart. In some places it is customary to tear the bread into small pieces, place it into a plate, cover it with jota, and drizzle it with olive-pomace olive oil.

Jota is served warm in winter and cold in summer.


Ingredients for 4 persons

500 g of sauerkraut

200 g of potatoes

300 g brown beans

1 teaspoon salt

2 bay leaves

5 grains of black pepper

20 g flour

1 onion

3 cloves garlic

2 sausages

Inspect the beans, wash them under running water, pour them in a big bowl and add enough cold water to cover the beans and have at least four fingers of water above the beans. Beans that do not sink to the bottom of the bowl get discarded. Soak the beans for at least 8 hours or overnight, which is the preferred method.

When they are done soaking, cook the beans for 15 minutes in the water in which they were soaking. Then change the water and cook the beans for another 30 minutes. The beans should remain a little hard, because they will be later added to the jota and should not overcook. We only add salt to the beans when they are cooked!

Put the sauerkraut in the pot, add the bay leaf, salt, and a few grains of black pepper. Add water and cook for about 50 minutes. Drain the cooked sauerkraut and save five tablespoons of the liquid.

Peel, wash, and cut the potatoes into small pieces. Put the potatoes in the pot, add cold water and salt and cook for 15 minutes. Drain the boiled potatoes.

In a large pot combine the cooked beans, water, drained potatoes, sauerkraut, and the saved liquid. Add salt if needed and cook for another ten minutes. Boil the water for the sausages and cook them in it for 15 minutes. Cut the sausages into rings. Peel and chop the onion and garlic. Fry the onion in a pan, sprinkle with flour, and add the sausage and garlic. Mix everything well. Stir the mixture into the already cooked jota and serve.


I come from the other end of Slovenia and when I moved in with my husband and his family 45 years ago, cooking jota was part of the challenges of getting used to a new household. For many years I left the cooking to my mother-in-law because I was afraid that the jota would not be good enough and also because it was easier that way. Now that my children are grown-ups and I also have a granddaughter, I enjoy cooking jota and I often make an updated, more modern and healthier version without flour. Jota is a very healthy, hearthy and filling dish as well as budget friendly. So we cook it many times, especially in winter. Maybe in a while I will change my mind and also make it in the summer as well. But for now, for me, it remains a typical winter dish. It would be nice to have a collection of as many as possible of similar healthy, affordable, and delicious recipes at the European level. Sharing good recipes is a good idea to connect and bring together people from different countries and different backgrounds.


Danes kuhamo po Slovensko. Jota je topla gosta jed na žlico. Značilna je za Zahodno Slovenijo. Ime izhaja iz furlanske besede jote, ki izhaja iz galske besede za juho – iutta.

Osnovne sestavine so fižol, krompir, kislo zelje, suho svinjsko meso in začimbe (česen, lovorjev list, sol in poper).

Jota mora biti gosta, kar dosežemo z dolgim kuhanjem fižola in krompirja, ki se morata popolnoma »razdreti«. Ponekod je navada, da se kruh nadrobi v krožnik in nato zalije z joto ter prelije s surovim olivnim oljem.

Joto postrežemo pozimi toplo, poleti pa hladno.


Sestavine za 4 osebe

500 g kislega zelja

200 g krompirja

300 g rjavega fižola

1 žlička soli

2 lovorjeva lista

5 zrn črnega popra

20 g moke

1 čebula

3 stroki česna

2 klobasi

Fižol preberemo, speremo pod tekočo vodo, stresemo v skledo in zalijemo s toliko hladne vode, da je voda vsaj štiri prste nad fižolom. Fižol, ki se ne potopi, polovimo in zavržemo. Fižol namakamo vsaj 8 ur, najbolje je, da ga namakamo čez noč.

Naslednji dan fižol najprej 15 minut kuhamo v vodi, v kateri se je namakal, nato pa zamenjamo vodo in fižol kuhamo še 30 minut. Fižol mora ostati malo trši, saj ga kasneje dodamo še v joto in se ne sme prekuhati. Solimo ga šele takrat, ko je kuhan!

V kozico stresemo kislo zelje, dodamo lovorjev list, sol in nekaj zrn črnega popra. Prilijemo vodo in kuhamo približno 50 minut. Kuhano zelje odcedimo, pet žlic tekočine pa prihranimo.

Olupimo krompir, ga operemo in zrežemo na manjše koščke. Stresemo ga v kozico, zalijemo s hladno vodo, solimo in kuhamo 15 minut. Kuhan krompir odcedimo.

V večji lonec stresemo kuhan fižol z vodo in dodamo odcejen krompir ter kislo zelje (in prihranjeno tekočino). Po potrebi dosolimo in vse skupaj kuhamo še deset minut. V kozici zavremo vodo za klobaso in jo kuhamo 15 minut. Po želji klobaso prebodemo, da iz nje izteče tekočina.

Klobaso zrežemo na kolobarje. Čebulo in česen olupimo ter sesekljamo. V ponvi popražimo čebulo, potresemo z moko in dodamo klobaso ter česen. Vse skupaj dobro premešamo. Mešanico primešamo že kuhani joti in postrežemo.


Prihajam iz drugega konca Slovenije in ko sem se pred 45 leti preselila k možu in njegovi družini je bil del izziva kako se udomačiti v novi hiši tudi kuhanje jote. Veliko let sem kuhanje prepuščala tašči, ker sem se bala, da jote ne bi naredila dobre in je bilo tako tudi lažje. Sedaj, ko imam odrasle otroke in vnukinjo pa uživam v kuhanju jote in velikokrat naredim tudi bolj moderno in zdravo različico brez moke. Jed je zelo zdrava in nasitna in je tudi ugodna za denarnico. Tako, da jo predvsem pozimi velikokrat skuhamo. Mogoče bom s časoma preklopila, da je tudi poleti dobra. Toda zaenkrat ostaja tipična zimska jed. Lepo bi bilo, da bi se na Evropski ravni zbralo čim več takih receptov, ki so zdravi, dostopni in okusni. Izmenjava dobrih receptov je dobra ideja za povezovanje ljudi iz različnih držav in različnih ozadij.


This project has received funding from the Staatsministerium Baden-Württemberg and the City of Ulm. This website was funded by BMFSJ.

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