Triglav as a symbol of Slovenian prideTRIGLAV – PONOS SLOVENCEV


Triglav, the 2864 meters high mountain in Slovenia, the highest peak of the Julian Alps, is very important to us Slovenes, because it feels like the mountain is watching over the Slovenian nation. The name of the mountain comes from the word “three heads”meaning that the mountain has three peaks. The top of the mountain has an interesting history. In the 19th century, a Slovenian parish priest Jakob Aljaž wanted to resist the Germanization of the Slovene nation, which at the time was under the authority of the Habsburg Monarchy. He decided to keep the top of the mountan in Slovenian hands and for 1 guilder he bought the top of Triglav – a mere 16 square meters of territory – and had a small tower erected on it. Aljaž’s tower thus represents the soul of the Slovenian nation.
Triglav appears on the Slovenian flag, in numerous songs, names of countless societies, and Triglav is also on the back of the Slovenian edition of the Euro 50 cent coin. Today the mighty Triglav is a symbol of active life: hiking is a big part of growing up in Slovenia and a lifestyle for many of us. So much so that we have a saying that every true Slovene must conquer Triglav at least once in his life.


Ever since childhood, we have heard from the elderly that you are not a true Slovene if you don’t climb to the top of Triglav at least once in your life. So much so that it just imprints in your memory and over time grows into a purpose. Triglav is not an easy mountain to conquer. It is adamant thet the person is well prepared for the hike: both physically as well as mentally. The ascent takes about eight hours and if you are not ready, it can be a realy difficult and dangerous experience. You also need to pay close attention to the weather, which can change very quickly and it can literally be leathal.
I think it is important to cultivate this goal, because by doing so we promote national belonging and above all we resist an increasingly sedentary life. Hiking the mountains encourages us to overcome ourselves and our fears, strive for a goal and at the same time the conquering of the highest peak of Slovenia connects us and fills us with pride.


Triglav, 2864 metrov visoka gora v Sloveniji, ki je hkrati tudi najvišji vrh Julijskih Alp je za nas Slovence zelo pomembna, ker gora bdi nad nami in za nas predstavlja simbol slovenstva. Ime gore izhaja iz besede »tri glave«, kar pomeni, da ima gora tri vrhove. Že v 19. stoletju je bil simbol slovenstva in takratni župnik iz Dovja, Jakob Aljaž se je želel upreti ponemčevanju slovenskega naroda, ki je takrat živelo pod okriljem Habsburške monarhije in je za 1 goldinar kupil vrh Triglava – 16 kvadratnih metrov ozemlja in dal nanj postaviti Aljažev stolp. Aljažev stolp tako predstavlja dušo slovenstva. Triglav se pojavlja na grbu Republike Slovenije, Triglav se pojavlja v veliko pesmih, veliko društev ima ime po gori in Triglav je tudi na zadnji strani slovenskega evro kovanca za 50 centov. Slovence s svojo mogočnostjo Triglav uči aktivnega življenja, smo športno aktiven narod in hoja v hribe je za veliko nas del odraščanja in življenjskega sloga in velja, da mora vsak pravi Slovenec vsaj enkrat v življenju osvojiti Triglav.


Vse od otroštva smo poslušali od starejših, da nisi pravi Slovenec, če ne greš vsaj enkrat v življenju na Triglav. Tako, da se ti to kar vtisne v spomin in s časoma preraste v namen. Triglav ni enostavna gora za osvojiti. Potrebno je imeti veliko kondicije in se na pot pripraviti tako fizično kot psihično. Vzpon traja okrog 8 ur in če nisi pripravljen je to lahko težka izkušnja, tudi na vreme je potrebno zelo paziti, ker se lahko hitro spremeni in je lahko tudi smrtno nevarno.

Je pa ta osvojeni vrh nekaj kar te navda s ponosom. Tako, da se mi zdi pomembno, da gojimo ta cilj, ker s tem spodbujamo narodno pripadnost, predvsem pa se upiramo vedno bolj sedečemu življenju, hoja v gore nas spodbuja, da premagamo sebe, svoje strahove in se potrudimo za dosego cilja in hkrati nas ta skupni osvojeni najvišji vrh Slovenije povezuje in navdaja s ponosom.


This project has received funding from the Staatsministerium Baden-Württemberg and the City of Ulm. This website was funded by BMFSJ.

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