CODANEC Youth competition 2021: MY CULTURE – MY STORY

The submission for the competition is closed.
The Ceremony to honour the entries took place online on 29 July at 7pm (German time). The recording will be uploaded soon for everyone to rewatch on our homepage.
You can find all contributions on & the winners on
Watch the video with the announcement of the CODANEC Youth competition with all information
What is your personal cultural treasure that you want to share with friends across Europe?
Share your cultural treasure with us and people across Europe. Let’s preserve tradition and culture.
Who can participate?
All young people or groups of young people from the Danube countries who want to preserve and share their cultural treasures can participate.
How to participate?
Publish a post on Facebook or Instagram with at least one picture or a short self-made video, related to your personal cultural treasure, with the hashtags #MCMS #CODANEC #Culturaltreasure #Culture #danubenetworkers and tag our profile @codanecyouth on Facebook or Instagram. In your text, describe your cultural treasure in short and simple sentences, and answer these questions, so your European neighbours can understand it:
- Why is this cultural treasure important to you?
- How is youth connected to your cultural treasure?
- Is the cultural treasure you want to share typically only in your country?
- How to preserve and pass on cultural heritage to younger generations?
- What is the way to give our knowledge to younger generations (educational system, youth festivals and holidays)?
Date of latest submission: 1st of July 2021
Language: English and your native language
We will publish all posts on our website
In case you don’t have a social network, you can send us an email with your story. You can find a template here.
Ideas of what you can present:
* If it is a tradition you want to show us, you can post pictures or videos of your national holidays, national costumes or how you prepare national meals. Briefly describe why this is important to you and how you can motivate younger generations to continue this tradition.
* You know how to dance? – Show us your moves! You can post a video of you dancing some type of dance. Tell us what motivates you and which way you can motivate younger generation to continue this tradition.
* We all remember the community games we played as children. Post a picture or video and briefly describe to us why it is important not to forget these games. And how to pass them on to younger generations.
* We can all hear or learn a lot from our grandparents. It is something that is related to childhood. Do you remember anything that they taught you? Post a picture or video and briefly describe to us why it is important not to forget it and how to transfer it to the younger generation.
Honoring and Prizes
1. Prize: 1oo Euro | 1. Group Prize: 120 Euro | ||
2.-5. Prize: 50 Euro | 2. Group Prize: 75 Euro | ||
6.-10. Prize: 25 Euro |
Find us on Social Media
Condtions of participation
All photos or videos must be posted on a valid Instagram account or facebook profile, as public content. Private profiles cannot participate in the competition. After you have set your post, you will get an entry form. Please send this back to to register officially in the competition.
You must own the rights to use the photos and videos you post.
Any questions?
For all additional questions, you can contact us via e-mail or via a message on our Facebook or Instagram profile.
Die Einsendefrist für den Wettbewerb ist verstrichen. Am 29. Juli um 19 Uhr wurden die Preise vergeben und die Gewinner in einem Online Meeting geehrt. Das Video der Preisverleihung wird bald an dieser Stelle hochgeladen.
Alle Beiträge des Wettbewerbs sind unter aufgeführt; die Auflistung der Gewinner unter
CODANEC Jugend-Wettbewerb Aufruf zum Mitmachen_DE 
CODANEC Jugend-Wettbewerb Teilnahmeformular_DE 
Finde uns in den sozialen Medien
The submission for the competition is closed. The Ceremony to honour the entries took place online on 29 July at 7pm (German time). The recording will be uploaded soon for everyone to rewatch on our homepage.
You can find all contributions on & the winners on
CODANEC Youth competition call in Serbian
CODANEC Youth Entry form in Serbian 
Find us on Social Media
The submission for the competition is closed. The Ceremony to honour the entries took place online on 29 July at 7pm (German time). The recording will be uploaded soon for everyone to rewatch on our homepage.
You can find all contributions on & the winners on
CODANEC Youth Competition Call in Romanian 
Find us on Social Media