Simona Perian, Timișoara

Seize the moment!

A sunrise, a sunset… – a life.

People who hurry,

And don’t find time to live,

Many wasted moments.

And seeing from far away,

How hurried we’ve been on our way

The life has decided to show us

What we have never been.

We weren’t honest enough,

We weren’t perhaps good enough,

We didn’t live as the fullest,

We didn’t appreciate enough!

The life said: STOP!

Seize the moment!

Enjoy every day!

Believe! Love! Sing! Shout!

Have the heart of a child!

Simona Perian, Timișoara

CARPE DIEM! (Trăiește clipa!)

Răsărit, apus – o viață.

Oameni care se grăbesc,

Nu au timp să mai trăiască,

Clipe multe risipesc.


Și, privind din depărtare,

Cum tot mai grăbiți am fost,

Viața s-a gândit, probabil,

Să ne-arate ce n-am fost.


N-am fost suficent de sinceri,

N-am fost , poate, nici prea buni,

N-am trait cu toată forța,

N-am apreciat destul!


Și-a spus: STOP!

Trăiește clipa!

Bucură-te zi de zi!

Crezi! Iubește! Cântă! Strigă!

Fii cu suflet de copil!


This project has received funding from the Staatsministerium Baden-Württemberg and the City of Ulm. This website was funded by BMFSJ.

Design and implementation by Arivum. All rights reserved

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