Natasa Kasas, Novi Sad

During the Corona crises, I got a call from my former colleague to participate in the school project that should help the students connect with their emotions at this time of the pandemic. The project was named and hashtagged  #okk ( equivalent to #stayathome).  In the video that I made, I tried to calm student’s negative thinking, to explain to them that fear, anxiety, and confusion are normal emotions to feel. With the understanding that they are young, that their youth is vulnerable at their age, I tried to give them a few words of comfort and support. I hope that I managed to do that. It wasn’t easy trying to encourage someone that you don’t even know, while, at the same time, during the long hours of isolation and lockdown, you are all alone in your apartment. It was really hard to keep oneself together, it was a day-by-day mission. This project has helped me to motivate myself, to remember what is the right way to do it. It reminded me of what it means to be human, after all. I needed a reminder of what my soul speaks, and, by giving this little video to students, I remembered.

This is a link to the video that I made, it is translated to english:

Poem from video:

I firmly believe

I firmly believe

In unbreakable ties,

indelible scars, in a voice of silence

and the power of distance.

I believe in the unspoken,

in faculty of sight, in the unattainable,

in something never loved and always needed.

I remember only by feeling,

I forget the words, I invent the cities,

so that in the idleness of  time,

I can breathe another eternity into the bones.

Natasa Kasas, Novi Sad

Tokom Korona krize dobila sam poziv od nekadašnje koleginice da učestvujem u projektu škole koji bi trebalo da pomogne učenicima da se povežu sa svojim osećanjima u vreme pandemije. Projekat je nazvan i tagovan kao #okk (ekvivalentno #stayathome). U videu koji sam napravila pokušala sam da umirim negativno razmišljanje učenika, da im objasnim da su strah, anksioznost i zbunjenost osećanja koja je normalno da osećaju. Uz razumevanje da su oni mladi, da je njihova mladost ranjiva, pokušala sam da im pružim nekoliko reči utehe i podrške. Nadam se da sam uspela u tome.

Nije bilo lako pokušavati da ohrabriš nekoga koga ni ne poznaješ, dok se,  istovremeno, tokom dugih sati izolacije i karantina, nalaziš sam u stanu. Bilo je zaista teško biti priseban, bila je to „dan-po-dan“ misija. Ovaj mi je projekat pomogao da se motivišem, da se prisetim koji je pravi način da to učinim. Podsetio me je, naposletku,  na to šta znači biti čovek.  Bilo mi je potrebno podsećanje na to šta moja duša govori, i, dajući ovaj mali video učenicima, setila sam se.

Ovo je link do videa:

Poezija u videu:


Čvrsto verujem


Čvrsto verujem

U neraskidive veze,

neizbrisive ožiljke, u glas tišine

i moć daljine.

Verujem u neizrečeno,

u pogled, u neostvarivo,

u nikad voljeno i uvek potrebno.

Sećam se samo po osećaju,

reči zaboravim, gradove izmislim,

da u praznom hodu vremena

još jednu večnost udahnem kostima.


This project has received funding from the Staatsministerium Baden-Württemberg and the City of Ulm. This website was funded by BMFSJ.

Design and implementation by Arivum. All rights reserved

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