Goblenul, Quality tapestryGoblenulGoblenul, Qualitäts Wandteppich


Quality tapestry is an intricate and precious embroidery, usually representing the image of a painting and is most often made in the urban area.

In picture 1, from the personal archive, there is a tapestry made after the painting of Jean-Honore Fragonard: Young Girl Reading or The Reader, an oil painting from the 18th century.

The value of the tapestry is also given by the quality of the used frame.

The original painting is at the National Gallery of Art in Washington, DC and a picture of the famous painting can be seen in picture 2.


For me, this tapestry is important because I received it as a gift from my mother. I have always appreciated the carefully made embroideries and I admired those who have the necessary qualities to make them. There are also very valuable tapestries made after paintings with landscapes, tapestries that use up to 100 colors.


Goblenul de calitate este o broderie complicată şi preţioasă, reprezentând de obicei imaginea  unui tablou şi este realizat cel mai  des în  zona orăşenească.

În poza1, din arhiva personală, este un  goblen realizat după pictura lui Jean-Honore Fragonard: Fată citind (Young Girl Reading sau The Reader), o pictură în ulei din secolul al XVIII-lea.

Valoarea goblenului este dată şi de calitatea ramei folosite.

Pictura originală este la National Gallery of Art in Washington, DC şi  o imagine după celebra pictură poate fi vazută în poza 2.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Codanec_Romania_Timisoara_Elena-Bardac_photo2.jpg


Pentru mine acest goblen este important deoarece l-am primit cadou de la mama. Întotdeauna am apreciat broderiile realizate cu migală si i-am admirat pe cei care au calită-ile necesare să le realizeze.  Există şi goblenuri foarte valoroase realizate după tablouri cu peisaje. goblenuri care folosesc până la 100 de culori.


Ein hochwertiger Wandteppich ist eine kunstvolle und kostbare Stickerei, die in der Regel das Bild eines Gemäldes darstellt und meist im städtischen Bereich hergestellt wird.

Abbildung 1 aus dem persönlichen Archiv zeigt einen Wandteppich, der nach einem Gemälde von Jean-Honore Fragonard angefertigt wurde: Junges lesendes Mädchen oder Die Leserin, ein Ölgemälde aus dem 18. Jahrhundert.

Der Wert des Wandteppichs ergibt sich auch aus der Qualität des verwendeten Rahmens.

Das Originalgemälde befindet sich in der National Gallery of Art in Washington, DC. Ein Bild des berühmten Gemäldes ist in Abbildung 2 zu sehen.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Codanec_Romania_Timisoara_Elena-Bardac_photo2.jpg


Für mich ist dieser Wandteppich wichtig, weil ich ihn von meiner Mutter geschenkt bekommen habe. Ich habe schon immer die sorgfältig gefertigten Stickereien geschätzt und die Menschen bewundert, die über die notwendigen Qualitäten verfügen, um sie herzustellen. Es gibt auch sehr wertvolle Wandteppiche, die nach Gemälden mit Landschaften hergestellt werden, Wandteppiche, die bis zu 100 Farben verwenden.


This project has received funding from the Staatsministerium Baden-Württemberg and the City of Ulm. This website was funded by BMFSJ.

Design and implementation by Arivum. All rights reserved

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