Bread: food, cult, beautyХлябът - храна, култ, красотаBrot: Nahrung, Brauch, Schönheit


Bulgarians by their place of residence belong to the European nations, where the main food is wheat. The main derivative of wheat is bread. The Bulgarian words “Our daily bread” is proverbial.

Over the centuries, along with the formation of rites and rituals in the life and holidays of the Bulgarians, one of the main roles of bread was confirmed. Bread becomes a main ingredient on almost all occasions in everyday life and holidays.

And because a person always strives to achieve beauty and perfection in what he does, he begins to decorate his bread as well. In particular, he begins to make and decorate ritual breads. In Bulgaria, this is associated with the numerous folklore holidays of the calendar, as well as various occasions of gathering people – weddings, births, baptisms, birthdays and name days.       


When I retired, I decided to dedicate my time to making decorated bread. The feeling of this activity is unique – you are immersed in the magic of beauty. There are also difficulties – to decorate something that changes in the process of making, as in the case of bread – when rising, the shape, volume, general appearance change. Therefore, you have to work and practice a lot of time to gain the necessary experience for good results.

In support of what has been written, I provide photos of six of my unique bread models.

Bread that participated in the Bread Competition “The official table for the Easter” of the Folklore Festival “Mulled Rakiya and Sauerkraut Soup from the Olden Days”, organized in Babovo by the Cultural House of Babovo and the Municipality of Slivo Pole, February 2020
A bread for the Day of Naming of Child (Baptism)
A bread for the celebration St. Nicola, Nikulden, 6 December
A bread for the celebration St. Petka Bulgarian, Petkovden, 14 October
A bread for Wedding
The bread that participated in the Culinary Competition “Bread Celebration” of the event “The Bread Binds Us”, organized in Slivo Pole by the Union of Pensioners and the Municipality of Slivo Pole, August 2017 in the frame of the project Tastes of Danube: Bread Connects of ILEU e.V. Ulm, Germany


Българите по свето местоживеене спадат към европейските народи, при които основна храна е пшеницата. Основното производство от пшеницата е хляба. Пословична е българската приказка „Хлябът наш насъщен”.

През вековете назад успоредно с формирането на обредите и ритуалите в живота и празниците на българите се затвърждава и  една от главните роли на хляба. Хлябът става основна съставка при почти всички поводи в ежедневието и празниците.

И поради това, че човекът винаги се стреми да постига красота и съвършенство в това, което прави, започва да украсява и хляба си. По-точно, започва да изработва и украсява обредни хлябове. В България това е свързано с многобройните народни празници от календара, както и различни поводи на събиране на хората – сватби, раждане на дете, кръщене, рождени и именни дни.


Когато станах пенсионер, реших да посветя времето си на изработка на украсени пити. Усещането при тази дейност е уникално – потъваш в магията на красотата. Има и трудности – да украсиш нещо, което в процеса на изработка се променя, както е при питите, например, при втасването се изменя формата, обема, общия вид. Затова трябва да се работи и практикува много време, за да се усвои нужния опит и да се получат добри резултати.

В подкрепа на написаното, представям снимки на шест от моите оригинални модели на пити.



Geographisch gesehen gehört Bulgarien zu den europäischen Nationen, deren Hauptnahrungsmittel der Weizen ist. Und aus Weizen wird vor allem Brot hergestellt. Die bulgarischen Worte “Unser täglich Brot” sind ein Sprichwort.

Über die Jahrhunderte, mit der Entstehung der Bräuche und Rituale der bulgarischen Feiertage und des bulgarischen Lebens, ist das Brot immer wichtiger geworden. Es wurde die wichtigste “Zutat” des Alltags ebenso wie der Feiertage.

Und weil der Mensch immer versucht, Schönheit zu erschaffen und Perfektion zu erreichen, begann er auch, sein Brot zu dekorieren. Vor allem hat er sich besonders hergestelltes und dekoriertes Brot für bestimmte Bräuche ausgedacht. In Bulgarien ist dies anlässlich vieler Feiertage geschehen, aber auch mit Feierlichkeiten wie Hochzeiten, Geburten, Taufen, Geburtstagen und Namenstagen verbunden.


Seitdem ich Rentnerin bin, widme ich mein Leben dem Backen von dekorierten Broten. Das Gefühl bei dieser Tätigkeit ist besonders – man taucht ein in den Zauber von Schönheit. Es sind aber auch Herausforderungen mit ihr verbunden – etwas zu dekorieren, das sich bei der Entstehung verändert, wie das beim Brot der Fall ist – wenn es aufgeht, verändern sich Form, Volumen und Gesamteindruck. Deshalb ist es notwendig, viel zu üben, damit die Resultate zufriedenstellend sind.

Ergänzend zum Text stelle ich Fotos von sechs meiner einzigartigen Brotmodelle zur Verfügung.


This project has received funding from the Staatsministerium Baden-Württemberg and the City of Ulm. This website was funded by BMFSJ.

Design and implementation by Arivum. All rights reserved

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