Bread-baking pans from Stara Planina MountainCrepulje sa Stare planineDie Brottöpfe aus Stara Planina

Watch the video about this cultural treasure here!


Village Gostuša (Stone Village) on the Stara Planina Mt. is under protection as cultural heritage site because of its unique architecture. It is area with plenty of hidden cultural and natural heritage. Among them are bread-baking pans – crepulje. They are made of clay and used for baking bread in the fire place. They are remarkable for many reasons. They are made only by women, only for their households and unlike other ceramics they are not fired before use. The first use is also firing of crepulje. Then, on heated pan woman places bread dough and covers it with embers. It takes a lot of skill to bake bread in this way and requires physical strength as well for making crepulje. That is why this craft almost disappeared. The taste of bread baked in such way is unique and the crepulje-making technique fascinating. Into this, today almost forgotten world I was introduced by wonderful women from Gostuša.


Making bread-baking pans – crepulje is an ancient technique. There are archeological findings that prove existance of crepulje in the Balkans 7000 years ago. Many rituals and taboos surround the process of making crepulje, which contributes attractiveness of knowing how they are made and how they are used. Knowledge and skills needed to make crepulja and use it for baking bread are unique intangible cultural heritage and we need to safegurd it and pass it to younger generations. Exclusivity and attractiveness of crepulje making technique as well as taste of bread baked in this way for sure would increase revitalization of the village and increase its tourism potentials, as well as sustainability not only of this ICH element, but of the village Gostuša and its environment as protected ambiental area. As bread-baking pans crepulje are known over Balkans, presentation of these pans traditionally made by women may inspire visitors to find and restore practices related to the home and its fireplace in their surroundings.


Selo Gostuša (Kameno selo) na Staroj planini, zaštićeno zbog svoje specifične arhitekture, krije mnoge tajne prirodnog i kulturnog nasleđa. Jedna od njih su crepulje – posude od gline za pečenje hleba na ogniištu. Brojni su razlozi koji ih čine izuzetnim. Izradjuju ih isključivo žene za potrebe svog domaćinstva i ne peku ih pre upotrebe, što ih čini jedinstvenim keramičkim posudama. Prilikom prve upotrebe zagreju se na otvorenoj vatri dok ne pobele. U užarene crepulje spušta se testo i prekriva žarom. Za ovaj postupak pečenja hleba potrebna je velika veština, a za izradu crepulja i fizička snaga. Zbog toga je ovo umeće danas gotovo nestalo. Ukus hleba pečenog u crepulji je jedinstven, a način na koji se prave crepulje fascinantan. U ovaj, danas gotovo zaboravljen svet vredan očuvanja, uvele su me divne žene iz Gostuše.


Obnovom znanja i umeća neophodnih za izradu crepulja u selu Gostuša i njihovim prenošenjem na mladje generacije, sačuvao bi se element nematerijalnog kulturnog nasledja jedinstven po svojoj drevnosti. O tome govore brojni rituali i tabui koji izradu crepulja prate, kao i činjenica da se crepulje javljaju na Balkanu pre 7000 godina. Osim toga, ekskluzivnost i atraktivnost, kako izrade crepulja, tako i pečenja hleba u njima, mogao bi doprineti oživljavanju sela, povećanju turističke posete, pa samim tim i održivosti, ne samo ovog elementa, već celokupnog prostora sela Gostuša, kao zaštićene ambijentalne celine. Ovakav vid predstavljanja ženskih crepulja, karakterističnih za širi prostor Balkana, posetioce bi mogao da podstakne da u svom okruženju pronadju i obnove iste ili slične prakse vezane za dom i ognjište.


Das Dorf „Gostuša“ liegt im Gebiet der Stara-Planina und ist sowohl wegen seiner Naturschönheiten und seines Kulturerbes geschützt. Eine Besonderheit für diese Gegend sind Töpfe, die „Crepulje“ genannt werden. Sie sind aus Lehm gemacht und werden für das Brotbacken genutzt. Diese Töpfe sind aus vielen Gründen besonders: Sie werden nur von Frauen hergestellt und sind nur für den Haushalt gedacht. Die weitere Besonderheit ist, dass diese Töpfe aus Lehm nicht vorher gebrannt werden, sondern zusammen mit dem Brot gebacken werden. Der Teig sowie die Crepulje werden auf heißem Stein gebacken. Diese Art des Backens ist eine große Kunst, aber es braucht auch eine Menge Kraft, um diese Crepulje herzustellen. Daher ist diese Art der Herstellung heutzutage nicht mehr üblich. Aber der Geschmack des Brotes, das in dieser Crepulje gebacken wird, ist unvergleichlich.


Ich bin mit der Herstellung dieses Brotes in der Crepulje von den Frauen aus „Gostuša“ großgeworden. Die Frauen aus Gostuša machten mich mit diesen Töpfen vertraut. Ich bin überzeugt, dass diese Art des Backens eine außergewöhnliche Attraktion für das Dorf und die ganze Gegend sein könnte und den Tourismus fördern würde. Diese sogenannten Frauentöpfe sind etwas Einmaliges, was erhaltenswert ist.


This project has received funding from the Staatsministerium Baden-Württemberg and the City of Ulm. This website was funded by BMFSJ.

Design and implementation by Arivum. All rights reserved

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