Traditional engraving technique: “Centaur” detail from the ornaments of a Serbian medieval monasteryTehnika gravure – „Kentaur“ sa manastira Kalenic
The engraving technique belongs to the old artistic craft, which means the technique of making a relief or engraving a certain representation in a hard and often flat surface. The engraving of art objects is based on a unique engraving. Unique engraving is performed on all materials: wood, stone, steel, copper, brass, glass, precious materials, plastics. The types of engraving are linear with texture and embossed. Here I present the Centaur detail from the ornaments of a Serbian medieval monastery. The relief decoration is also extremely interesting because its basis is a two-membered intertwined ribbon. Among the interesting things related to the Kalenic Monastery is certainly the fact that the Kalenic Monastery is one of the few Serbian medieval monasteries that has carved not only animal but also human figures above the window openings. Through this work, I have tried to convey and bring closer, above all, beauty, and symbolism the architecture of medieval Serbia as well as the beauty of the art of shaping volume in stone. The Kalenic Monastery is one of the few in terms of architecture that has reached a harmonious unity of architecture and decorative plastic, which is one of the most beautiful, I also tried to present through a detail from the facade of carved plastic Kalenica 15th century. I am connected with him because through this small research work I managed to show at least in part the richness and history of stone sculpture of Serbian medieval monasteries as well as the process of their creation.
Kentaur (Centaur)
performance of the musicians from the north wall of Kalenica is unparalleled in
Serbian, but also in the wider circle of medieval art of the Christian world.
Although researchers have never agreed on which instrument this unusual
creature plays, it seems both in appearance and in the way the griffin player
plays that it is a lyre-string instrument played and sung with in the Middle
used to be much more applicable than it is now. But this form of application
has gradually lost the importance and breadth of application due to the long
process of learning this technique and the slow multiplication technique.
Specifically in stone, engraving is performed in shallow relief by hand or with
an electric motor machine, it can also be performed in high relief and in
three-dimensional form. But this form of application has gradually lost the
importance and breadth of application due to the long process of learning this
technique and the slow multiplication technique.
Tehnika gravure je stari umetnički zanat izrađivanja reljefa ili urezivanja određenog prikaza u tvrdoj i najčešcće ravnoj površini. Gravura umetničkih predmeta se bazira na unikatnoj gravuri. Unikatna gravura se izvodi na svim materijalima: drvo, kamen, čelik, bakar, mesing, staklo, plemeniti materijali, plastične mase. Vrste gravure su linearna sa teksturom i reljefna. Ovde prikazujem „Kentaura“ – detalj sa ornamenata srpskog srednjovekovnog manastira. Reljefna dekoracija je takodje izuzetno zanimljiva, jer njen osnov čini dvočlana isprepletana traka. Među zanimljivosti vezane za manastir Kalenić svakako spada i podatak da je manastir Kalenić jedan od retkih srpskih srednjovekovnih manastira koji nad prozorskim otvorima ima isklesane ne samo životinjske, već i ljudske likove. Prikazivanjem ovog detalja želela sam da dočaram i približim pre svega lepotu i simboliku arhitekture srednjovekovne Srbije kao i lepotu umetnosti oblikovanja volumena u kamenu. Manastir Kalenić po arhitekturi je jedan od retkih koji je dostigao skladno jedinstvo arhitekture i ukrasne plastike koja spada medju najlepse, takodje sam pokusala predstaviti kroz jedan detalj sa fasade klesane plastike Kalenica 15og veka. Povezana sam sa njim jer sam kroz ovaj mali istrazivacki rad uspela bar jednim delom prikazati bogatstvo i istoriju kamene plastike srpskih srednjovekovnih manastira kao i proces njihovog nastanka.
Kentaur (Centaur)
Predstava sviraca sa severnog zida Kalenica bez uporednika je u srpskoj, ali I sirem krugu srednjovekovne umetnosti hriscanskog sveta. Pocev od neobicnog sklopa ove polumitske-poluizmestane pojave, koja je do pojasa grifon s telom lava i kandzama orla, a od pojasa navise covek u crvenoj dolami sa sirokim razrezanim rukama I karakteristicnom crvenom kapom I kicankom na glavi. Iako se istrazivaci nikada nisu slozili na kom instrumentu svira ovo neobicno bice, cini se I po izgledu I po nacinu na koji svirac-grifon muzicira da je u pitanju lijerica-gudacki instrument uz koji se igralo I pevalo u srednjem veku.Gravura je ranije bila mnogo primenljivija nego sada. Ali ovaj vid primene je postepeno izgubio znacaj i širinu primene zbog dugog procesa ucenja ove tehnike i spore tehnike umnozavanja. Konkretno u kamenu se gravura izvodi u plitkom reljefu rucno ili elektromotornom mašinom, takodje moze se izvoditi i u visokom reljefu i trodimenzionalnoj formi.
This project has received funding from the Staatsministerium Baden-Württemberg and the City of Ulm. This website was funded by BMFSJ.
Design and implementation by Arivum.
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