Wooden ware: cultural heritage of RibnicaKULTURNA DEDIŠČINA SUHOROBARSTVA


Since my childhood I have been impressed by beautiful and useful things that can be produced with natural materials, especially by the Ribnica woodenware products. To learn more about the history and the future of woodenware I turned  to Polona Rigler Grm, director of the Ribnica Handicraft Centre, which ensures the preservation and the development of cultural heritage of Woodenware and Pottery handicraft. She says, that in Ribnica and its surroundings around 200 people live exclusively from the production of woodenware consisting of: Side-Rim, Sieve and Bottom, Vessel, Spoon and Cookery, Hand Joinery and Tool making, Woodturning, Wickerwork, Toothpick and the  residents with little or no land.


By developing this activity, the awareness of the importance of heritage preservation is being raised, the knowledge of the younger generations is maintained and cultural landscape is preserved.


Od otroštva sem se navduševala nad lepoto in uporabnostjo izdelkov iz naravnih materialov, še posebej nad ribniško suho robo. Da bi izvedela kaj več o zgodovini in prihodnosti te dejavnosti, sem se srečala s Polono Rigler Grm, direktorico Rokodelskega centra Ribnica, ki zagotavlja celostno ohranjanje in razvoj kulturne dediščine suhorobarstva in lončarstva. Po njenih besedah v Ribnici in okolici kakšnih 200 ljudi živi izključno od izdelovanja suhe robe. Suhorobarstvo sestavljajo: obodarstvo, rešetarstvo in podnarstvo, posodarstvo, žličarstvo in kuhalničarstvo, ročno mizarstvo, orodjarstvo, strugarstvo, pletarstvo, zobotrebčarstvo, rešetarstvo in spominkarstvo. Od 15. stoletja se je suhorobarstvo razvijalo predvsem pri prebivalcih z malo lastne zemlje ali povsem brez nje.


S suhorobarstvom se dviguje zavest o pomenu ohranjanja dediščine, prenašajo se znanja na mlajše rodove in ohranja se kulturna krajina.


This project has received funding from the Staatsministerium Baden-Württemberg and the City of Ulm. This website was funded by BMFSJ.

Design and implementation by Arivum. All rights reserved

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