Photo Exhibition & Competition Gallery
Selected photos for the exhibition & competition
Out of numerous wonderful entries in the CODANEC competition, a jury was able to make a selection for the photo exhibition.
Unfortunately, many pictures could not be considered for the exhibition due to their image quality. Let yourself be surprised which photos made it into the exhibition. The most interesting pictures will be awarded a prize by a jury!
Take a look at our photo exhibition online. The photo from 25 June to 15 July 2020 at Haus der Begegnung in Ulm, Germany. You are also welcome to visit it on site.
Click on the link above the picture and you will be taken to the submitted cultural treasure with texts in English and in the national language.
Bosnia Herzegovina
Horseshoeing of a chicken egg- Dario Puljić

The kurban chorba – Petkova, Penka

The Glagolitic Script- Emiliya Velikova, Sevda Tsvetanova

Living socks- Rumyana, Dzhibova

Egg fighting game- Velikova, Emiliya

Pretzel – Ulrike Bahlo

Carnival in Rottweil-Horst Buchmann

With Zillen (wooden boats) down the Danube to Vienna – Horst Buchmann

Blue dye craft of the Danube Swabians – Franz Flock

Easter Well of Söflingen – Isolde Gatty

Easter Palm – Beatrix Schnitzius

Nabada – Gotthardt, Julia

Racka sheep-an endangered farm animal with important news for us and for the next generation- Adrienn LÁSZLÓ-GÁRDONYI

Books by Margarita Stāraste – Strode, Inga

The chilabaua dance -Marius Miron

Măștile „vii“-Stefan Băcanu

Sotron-my childhood game- Roxana Băcanu

Decorating objects with Romanian popular motifs- Nicoleta Gherghina

Traditional Easter bread- Daniela Ibanescu

Tassel vest – Marcovici, Mihaela

Popular dances from Transilvania and Bistrița Năsăud: “Purtata din Feleac”, “De-a lungul” and ”Bărbuncul” – Marcovici, Mihaela

Traditional City Song from Vranje: “Oh Dimitrije, my son Mitar” – Smiljković, Radica

Flatbread- Dejan Zagorac

Bread-baking pans from Stara Planina Mountain- Djordjevic, Biljana

Rakija- Paučković, Dušan

Pravoslavni ikonopis slikan tradicionalnom tehnikom- Poljac, Minja
Pravoslavni ikonopis slikan tradicionalnom tehnikom- Minja Poljac Pravoslavni ikonopis slikan tradicionalnom tehnikom- Minja Poljac Pravoslavni ikonopis slikan tradicionalnom tehnikom- Minja Poljac

Weaving is a skill of the soul- Popov, Zorica

Traditional Sunday lunch- Pavlovic, Sara and Jana

A lost cultural treasure- the Danube landscape in former time near of Bratislava – Gasper Ludiková, Helena

Linen canvas from grandma – Hrapkova, Nadezda

The Drežnica karnival – Andanja, Maria

Popular and ethnic songs singer Bogdana Herman – Jarc, Karolina

A beekeeper Trajče Nikoloski and a hive – Košir, Ljuba Babič

Marteniza from different countries and regions:

Foto mitte rechts: Vasile Codreanu; Foto unten rechts: Mirela Carp
Marteniza – Milusheva, Milena

Mărțisor – Munteanu, Ioana

Mărțisorul – Lupu, Maria

Mărțișorul – Carp, Mirela